Our staff are our most important resource – together they form ‘Team Lovelace‘
You will find our staff to be welcoming, supportive and committed to achieving the best for our pupils with the resources available.
They are determined to ensure that all children at Lovelace get ‘Smarter, Healthier and Happier‘ and that as a school we realise our strategic ‘Forever Eight’ strategic objectives.
Our staff are all leaders and skilled in the field they work in. As a learning and training organisation we are regularly refreshing and updating our skills through professional development. We endeavour to ensure that our staff team is sustainable for the future through utilising apprenticeships, work experience, NVQ and teacher training opportunities integrated into the work we do.
Under the strategic direction of our Board of Governors, the Headship Team (SLT) and the extended leadership team, work alongside teachers, curriculum leaders and support staff to deliver our strategic objectives. We organise our school into year group families each led by a pastoral and academic year leader.
Our current staff list is as follows:
Headship Team
(* – Assistant DSLs)
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Mrs H Siddle
SENCO – Miss S Costello
Teachers (Year leaders in bold)
Early Years Educators / Nursery Nurses
Teaching and Learning Support Assistants
Office Team
Premises Team
Sunrise Breakfast & Sunset After School Clubs – contact Office for latest details
IT Technician / Website / CEOP Education Ambassador / (Premises Team support) – Mr H Dutton